****** Contesting an International Trade Agreement ****** ****** Cole, Lake & Zissimos ****** ****** Journal of International Economics 2021 ****** The data used here is from Hakobyan, S., Kohl, T., Lake, J. (2020), "Tariff phaseouts in US bilateral Free Trade Agreements", Mimeo. 1. Firm-level lobbying data in "d_all19992017_v2.dta" 2. lobbyingData_Table1.do collapses firm-level lobbying data to FTA-level lobbying data. It generates lobbyingDataFTAs.dta 3. lobbyingData_Table1.xlsx creates Table 1 from paper - Table 1 can be found in the sheet "Table 1" - The sheet "Table 1" uses the data from the sheet "Sheet1" which is the data from lobbyingDataFTAs.dta